New York Giants Linebacker Bobby Okereke did an autograph signing yesterday live at Parsippany Pal With Morris County Card Show. It was a fantastic turnout with fans exploring the card show while waiting for Okereke to arrive. The event was from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm eastern with Okereke signing Autographs and taking pictures with fans from 11:30 am eastern to 1:30 pm eastern. There were a lot of tables set up with different card companies displaying there collection for fans to buy. Morris County Card Show did a great job of organizing this event and kept it moving smoothly.
The Morris County TCG Show debuted at the Parsippany Police Athletic League on November 25, 2023. Organized by the same folks behind the Morris County Card Show, this TCG-focused event featured almost 60 tables of nearly all Trading Card Game products with some sports & entertainment memorabilia sprinkled in, too! General admission was only $5 at the door for the 10am-3pm show, with a 9am Early Access option for $10 ( They have done great at events, making sales, drawing big crowds an
d networking.
I had an opportunity to help with this event also for my NR Media/NR Hour company. It was awesome making new connections, networking, seeing my friends Chris, Bianca , Jarrett and Joe Ruback aka license plate guy. The new connections were Gordy Bonkers from Bonkers Cards, Shaken Bakes Sports Cards and Jersey Boy Sports Collectibles who have awesome companies also. Everyone was ready to meet Bobby Okereke after a great first season with the New York Giants signing as a free agent from Indianapolis Colts.
The line was moving quickly as Okereke interacted with fans and enjoying each moment. Joe Ruback aka license plate guy was sitting next to Okereke while he was signing and helping out also. After meeting with the Giants fans, he started to sign the private signing items and then I was able to do an interview with Bobby Okereke. Bobby had some great things to say during the interview and it was awesome connecting with him. What a great personality, awesome player and a hard worker.
Here is my interview with Bobby Okereke
Thank you to Morris County Card Show for inviting me also to help give coverage, networking and making new connections for NR Media/NR Hour company. Looking forward to more events and collaboration opportunities with Morris County Card Show.

